Currency in Saint Petersburg

Currency in Saint Petersburg

The official currency of Saint Petersburg is the Russian Rouble (RUB). Discover where to exchange money, what the best rates are and more with our handy guide.

Notes & coins in Saint Petersburg

The official currency of Saint Petersburg, like the rest of Russia, is the Rouble (рубль or руб in Cyrillic). You'll find notes worth 5, 10, 50, 100, 500, 2000, and 5000 Roubles and coins worth 1, 2, 5, and 10 Roubles, and 1, 5, 10, and 50 Kopeks (100 Kopeks = 1 Rouble). Bear in mind that smaller shops and kiosks may not be able to break larger notes, so it's always worth keeping the smaller ones.

Exchange rates

The exchange rates for the Rouble are as follows:

  • 100 (US$ 1.19)

To put it into context, you can check out our guide to prices in Saint Petersburg here.

How to pay in Saint Petersburg?

Credit cards are widely accepted at most larger chain hotels, restaurants, and shops. However, it's best to keep cash for everything else. Note also that while chip and pin cards are accepted, cards that require a signature may be rejected. Always check your overseas charges with your bank before paying, to avoid any nasty surprises!

Where to exchange money?

While it's possible to buy Russian Roubles before you travel either in cash or on a travel card, many people prefer to exchange their money once they arrive in Saint Petersburg for the best rates.

Having arrived, you can withdraw cash directly from an ATM (look out or ask for bankomat or БАНКОМАТ), which are readily available throughout the city as well as in the airports. This is a really easy option provided your bank doesn't charge too much to withdraw from foreign banks - make sure to check and inform them that you'll be using your card abroad before you travel!

Alternatively, you can buy Russian Roubles at a bank or currency exchange bureau in Saint Petersburg. US Dollars and Euros are the best options to exchange - you may struggle to exchange other currencies. Make sure your notes are new looking, with no rips and tears, and don't forget to bring your passport to show. Look up the current exchange rates before you go, and ask what the bank or bureau is offering before exchanging your money.